Below are tips on how to best view the timeline:
This timeline is optimized for viewing on a computer or a large screen reader. If you are using a computer, you can move one timeline point at a time by clicking the left and right navigation arrows on left and right side of the timeline. You can move through numerous dates at once by clicking and dragging the color categories or the months at the bottom, from side to side. If you are using a smart phone, you can use the right and left navigation arrows on the timeline as above. You can also move the timeline by using your finger to hold and drag the color categories or the months at the bottom of the timeline, from side to side.
We have organized our data to try and make it more accessible. Some of the design decisions we made include:
- Breaking the data down into categories
- Spelling out acronyms for text reader access
- Looking for color and light combinations that increase viewing access
- Identifying visuals that enhance the text
As we continue to build our work, we are continuing to expand our disability justice practices. In particular, our goal is to make this material accessible across experience and need. Feel free to reach out to us with any observations or suggestions that will help us to build this into a site that is accessible for you. With each website update, we will include increased access updates.